Okay. I can handle switching back to BM, or going back to my 1-60 tree, MM (despite it being completely different now). Wait and see... wait and see... Though until then I guess I'll not choose gear based on being SV, but rather gear based on being SV or BM or MM.

- Ammunition: All types of gun and bow ammunition now stack to 1000. All quivers and ammo pouches no longer provide haste. 15% ranged haste is now built in to Hunter Autoshot.
- Call Stabled Pet: This new ability lets the hunter remotely access the stable. 30 min cooldown.
- Cunning, Ferocity and Tenacity pets now all have +5% damage, +5% armor and +5% health bonuses. This should make more pet families feel viable, while additional talents have been added to distinguish a pet’s abilities based on its specializations.
- Disengage: Cooldown increased by 5 sec.
- Pets now inherit more spell hit from the hunter. Pets with magic attacks should not require a player to stack additional hit compared to pets with physical attacks.
- Viper Sting re-designed: Stings the target, draining 4% of mana over 8 sec (up to a maximum of 8% of the caster's maximum mana), and energizing the Hunter equal to 300% of the amount drained. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
- Explosive Shot: Base damage lowered by 10%. Attack power scaling reduced by 12.5%.
- Bullheaded now adds 20% damage reduction for 12 sec along with its current CC-removal effect.
- Cornered: The crit reduction when this ability is active has been increased.
- Feeding Frenzy increased to 8/16% damage up from 6/12%.
- Furious Howl (wolf special ability) now stacks with Battle Shout and Blessing of Might, however, it only affects the wolf and hunter. Its effect and cooldown have been doubled so that it provides the same benefit but isn’t up 100% of the time.
- Gorillas now have a new family ability, Pummel, which works like the warrior ability and has a single rank.
- Grace of the Mantis and Roar of Sacrifice are now also available to Cunning pets.
- New Talent: Shark Attack: This new two-rank talent is available to Ferocity pets. It increases pet damage.
- New Talent: Silverback: This new two-rank talent is available to Tenacity pets. It heals the pet when Growl is used.
- New Talent: Wild Hunt: This new two-rank talent is available to all 3 pet trees. It increases the stamina and attack power inherited from the hunter.
- Roar of Recovery cooldown decreased to 3 min, down from 6 min.
- Thunderstomp is no longer a gorilla-specific family ability and is now available to all Tenacity pets. It has been reduced to one rank.