Thursday, May 27, 2010

On The Road To Being a Marksman - Part 5

I'm playing the marksman tree with arcane shot. At least until I get my armor penetration up. This means I need to have a lot of keybinds. I generally only put spell abilities on my number keys. With Survival, I made accommodations for space by using clever macros with multiple casts or castsequences. I also desire to not have the layout be significantly different than my Survival layout. So I am painted in as far as the number of slots I have and what I can do with them.

This is my Steady Shot Meat-n-Potatoes Macro. I might be casting Steady when I'm just grinding around or when I'm conserving mana. I don't need to add a lot of stuff with long cooldowns or mana-draining abilities here. I don't let it complain if KC or Howl aren't available yet. (No worries!)
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0

/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Furious Howl

/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

/cast !Auto Shot /cast Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

This is my new "What the heck is Arcane Shot?!?" macro. Nothing special to say except that if I'm tossing in Arcane shots then I have mana to spare and I want DPS up. So I also toss a Silencing Shot if it is available. This isn't great for PvP ... unless you're only dueling.
#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0

/cast Silencing Shot

/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast Arcane Shot
This is my similarly-made Aimed shot macro. Same disclaimers as Arcane shot as far as use and use in PvP.
#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0

/cast Silencing Shot

/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast Aimed Shot
It's sad to say, but I never had Call of the Wild macro'd before. I ... *gasp* had it on Auto. Well, now that I have a bunch of gear procs I do have a decent reason to lay it all on. I also give myself a little reminder to do it all again when my load is spent. I think that's kinda cool. And I need the reminder. Unfortunately heroic instance bosses don't usually last more than 15 seconds so I haven't had much use for it yet.
/cast Rapid Fire

/cast Call of the Wild

/in 15 /w Kheldul BLOW IT ALL -then- READINESS
Here's my initial sting button. I don't really know if the Howl benefits the sting. But I'm certainly not going to put in a /in 1 before casting the sting. You want to sting multiple targets, right? Oh, and I do have Bite on Autocast. That said if I happened to have him sitting around this would make him leap into the fray. And the sting is usually the first shot. IFF I wanted him to stay by my side, then I have to hit the sting and control-2 him back. So, you might want to remove that whole section.
#showtooltip Serpent Sting
/cast Furious Howl

/cast Serpent Sting

/use [@pettarget,harm,exists] Bite

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

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